Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Question of preference,why are some horses dominant more one sided than the other?

cause thats the way they are trained
I used to do barrel racing
Why do you insist on asking the same question over and over and over again?
why are some people left handed and some not?
one must assume they are 'wired' that way
do you mean why are some horses easier to train from the left or right of their vision?
i'm not sure i understand your question properly.
could you supply an example to illustrate the point of your question?
Horses are a bit like people in that they are either left or right handed. It is as simple as that. However, you should pay more attention to their suppleness on their bad side to counteract this. Lungeing is good for this purpose.
Horses like people have a dominant side. However, unlike people, horses brains aren't connected is the same fashion as a human and must be trained to both sides. Alot of ppl neglect that or spend more time on the right, hence why alot of horses are rt side dominant.
people tend to school horses for longer on there dominant side, in turn gives the horse a dominant side.
Same as people. Animals are the same.
which hand do you write with?
some people are left handed some people are right handed.
its the same with horses - kind of.
some can have back problems and prefer one side to the other - due to pain. (like my m8s horse)
horses are always more flexible on one side than the other probsbly due to rider preferance. some riders exericise their horse on one side more than the other so muscle and tendons get worked more then others.
Take care

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