Friday, July 31, 2009

Ammount To give??!?

So got this stuff to calm my pony down and it says 30-90 cc and i have this syringe and it says 60 ml and (60cc) beside it what does that mean doe sit mean that ml and cc's are equilavelent if not please tell me how much i would give him if i were to give him 90cc of this stuff what would it be in milaliters?
90 ccs would be 90 mls and should fill your syringe 1 1/2 times. Try it at home first. Start with the 30 cc amount and see if it makes a difference. If not, up the amount by 30 ccs until you do notice a difference up until the 90 ccs. It's not good to wait until the show and find out your pony's indifferent to the stuff or naps out totally. When trying this, wait between doses for a few hours so what you already gave him wears off, then go with the next higher amount, otherwise it will be hard to tell if he gets any effect and at what amount.
cc = mL
cc and mL's are the same thing. So 90mL = 90cc.
60cc would be the same as 60ml, check the product label to know how much to use I would assume that the 30-90cc might be depending on weight or size of pony/horse.
if in doubt call your vet better to ask a stupid question then to have (God forbid) a dead horse
cc's and mL are the same thing. Careful when you give it to him though. If he gets drug tested at the show it might come up.

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