Thursday, July 30, 2009

About that girl who had the question-- Hungry enough to eat a horse.?

I want to know what happened to that question?? I think she felt stupid about patting herself on the back for voting to stop the slaughter. I wanted to know why she took that question off the board? I think because she didn't get the answers she wanted... Just asking.
You'll get 3 points back if you vote for a best answer anyway and I'll give you a star because she really got under my skin. Didn't realize that she took it down and I'm sure she was none too impressed with my answer either. Got my curiosity going now too. I agree that she probably didn't like the tone of the answers. Mulerider wrote a good one about her mule having the same expression when he sees food. It was a totally uninformed, dumb posting and it got some good answers.
Here's your star!
You just WASTED 5 points. LOL!!!!!
Edit: You peeps don't recognise a TROLL when you see one??????
They sell horse meat in Seatle.
Why should you care?
I had a feeling something was missing when I was looking over my old answers from yesterday...that was it then. xD
I answered that question as well...I don't blame her for talking like she did, she probably just didn't know any better. Some people just pick a side of an issue and fail to research the counter arguement.
Agreed, that statement and we keep hearing it over and over again, gets under my skin too! Not too many for the ban pipe up and say that they are doing anything about it, they should be told how it is, hopefully they will start something up to do something other than just keep resurfacing whats already been done.

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