Monday, May 24, 2010

Are all horses skiddish?

I work and hike in an area where people ride horses, and I am constantly scaring the horses. They freak out and do not want to walk by me, they sometimes rear up almost knocking the rider off. I have heard they cannot see well and may not know what I am.or do horses just hate me?
Well it depends on the way you interact with these horses. Are they the same horses that keep spooking or a bunch of different ones? Not all horses are jumpy. Horses can see very well, just not in their blind spots which are directly in front of them and right behind them. They may throw their heads up to look at something, maybe even show the whites of their eyes, but that doesn't mean they're nervous...sometimes they just have to move their head a certain way to be able to focus correctly. They may be young horses that haven't experienced a lot of trail obstacles including people. Also if you are making sudden movements or talking to the riders it may spook them, but if they're seasoned horses they should be able to tolerate that which means you can't help it! If you see a horse becoming upset just try to move off the trail as much as you can safely, stand still and don't look at the horse. They should figure out you're not trying to "attack" them and move past you. Hope some of this helps, good luck. Ummm...I don't know why people are really saying horses don't have good eyesight.they have pretty good eyesight in fact, they're a prey animal and they are monocular, and can see far off just not in their blindspots.They can't see all colors but they still have good eyesight.
All horses and ponies have their quirks but not all the horses and ponies in the world have a skiddish problem! Don't worry not all horses hate you!
I have 2 paint horses and all i do is trail ride and they are not skiddish of people, or at least to your extreme, they may perk their ears up just to see what you are. I think the horses you are encountering are not properly trained or the riders are no trained. sometimes they won't walk past a barking dog, but humans are not a problem. horses can see fine, their depth perception is different than ours but they can sense fear, danger, comfort...blah blah.they are very smart animals. and i don't understand why these horses would act like that unless you were flaring around and screaming at them?lol.
No, all horses aren't skittish. If you are wearing brightly-colored clothing or moving too quickly you may spook a horse, but it shouldn't be that extreme. If the horse has blinders (those things that kinda cover their eyes), that may be part of the problem since they can't see much with them, but a trail-riding horse shouldn't wear blinders, so I don't think that's the case. And as someone said above, a horses' eyesight isn't that good.
Well, every horse is different and they all are scared of some thing like u so be careful and they don't like sudden moves or loud noises and they get scared of dogs.Be careful and don't walk behind they and don't pop out of the woods quick.
horses have a very sensitive sense of smell. if you eat a lot of meat, they will smell this on you and think of you as what you are, a predator. these my also be green horses or green riders with very little experience. if that is the case, it's not you at all and the riders need to learn to move their horses past this predator near their path without causing such comotion. your not the problem, the riders are. these horses have no confidence in the riders and think they are being led into a trap.
Most horses are not skiddish unless taken into a new enviroment. If these horses are acting like that they should not be ridden out on multiuse trail systems. My horses are all accustomed to people walking, riding, and biking, and fourwheelers tractors and dogs. If they are nervous,they are "bombproofed" before I ever take them out on multiuse trail systems. All horses can see better than people the only time they have any difficulty is at dusk, that inbetween time at night. They may be a little more jumpy, that is when the predators come out to hunt in the wild. If you are nervous around horses they will sense it and may become nervous but not typically to the extent in your question.
Thats because the horses you come upon are unbroke! Unless you shooting a gun after popping out from behind a tree within 5 feet of them! Believe me, mine know long before I do that someone, or something like a deer is close, I just watch there ears and feel there body movement. Then when a hiker appears, my stupid horse wants to stop and socialize! LOL!
No not all horses are skiddish, I ride a lot at Bull Run...The horse trails cross the hiking trails and we took our horses thru a Wendys drive thru thats just off the trail for the first time with out a rear or a buck...They were nervouse about stepping off the curb but they all did it without a problem...The horses are probaly learning trails still so dont worry.
Does your work outfit consist of something that makes weird noise (swishing of jacket?)? very bright? shiny? Things like that can often spook horses so maybe that is the problem-- not all horses and skiddish and they dont hate you silly! lol
Horses tend to be nervous by nature, but definitely not all are that skittish
Well, no not really, depends on the personallity of the horse. My 1st horse, Darci is a really sweet but she's scared of monkeys and stuff ( I live in Singapore, I'm a 3rd Cultre Kid) But my second horse ( who we're still tryin to name) is perfectly fine with everything!
Not all horses are skiddish. If they are all from one riding, and rental horses chances are one they have picked up bad habits from ongoing riders. Or the trainer there is not experienced enough and shes training them wrong. Before anyone should take a horse on trail they should be desentisied to scary things like dogs, blowing paper, etc.
Also some of these riders get nervous when you are around. Which makes the horses even more restless. Dont worry about it. I ride at a place where people hike and the horses should be used to it. Also Horses are flight animals. In general humans are predators. Horses dont hate people, unless abuse or something. I wouldnt worry about it. Its the riders problem not yours. You have just as much right to hike out there as those riders do to ride.
My husband had a cousin with a daughter that could not be left around a dog, any dog, there was something about the child that brought out aggression in every dog she met. She was a pretty child, never saw her do anything bad to an animal, it was the strangest thing I had ever come across and I wouldn't have believed it unless I had seen it myself. Maybe you have that effect on horses-Do you walk with a staff or walking stick?
I reckon its the hat - Nearly every horse I know is nervous of hats, horses use their ears and expressions to communicate and hats just mean something scary to them. they are usually used to caps as they are common around the yard, but a wide brimmed hat is really scary. maybe you could try taking it off if you see a horse coming and see if it makes a difference? You are probably known locally as "that flipping woman with the hat" by the horse comunity! Seriously, it is not you yourself that is scaring the horses, provided you don't suddenly appear round a corner or go up behind them where they cant see you, it must be the hat, and a scared horse is a dangerous horse so take care and please try another hat or cap - the riders will thank you
No, But Good Question!
Horses Are Fearful Animals, They are used to there own background relatives and friends.
new comers may be scary and look like predators
feel the need to be friends with them, be friendly, act like a horse!!
No they do not hate you. Horses by nature are skiddish. They have to be. Why? Because their only defense is to run or jump out of the way when they see something they do not recognize when they are frightened. They can't growl, they do not have claws so they jump or get away. When this happens, they do not stop to think of the rider on their back. Hope this helps explain the nature God's beautiful equine creatures.
All horses are born cautious. Some more than others. Maybe are just being really cautious. They may not be used to your hat or backpack. They may have not been introduced to them. Ask the owner, if they haven't then try not having them around when you go by them.
no!some r some r not
if u must take off your hat until they pass or try putting your head down and try to avoid coming to close to them. not all horses are skittish but if there weary of shapes, like hats or random ppl silhouettes walking past, it'll spook them, try to compromise and work with them maybe even ask the rider of the horse acting up if u can pet it, kinda settle it down
i think it is you
some more then others
well yes horses are skiddish unpredictable animals. they can't see straight ahead of them only on the sides really. just approach them carefully with no sudden movements. ponies and horses can also sense someone if they are nervous so if you are that could set them off. just don't run by them and just act calm around them.
not all

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