Saturday, May 22, 2010

Anybody in England or Ireland hires an equine massage therapist?

Animal Physiotherapist - Liz Tyrrell-Asprey treats dogs, horses, and cats for ... The type of conditions that animal physiotherapy can help horses
this person is fantastic, she helped my dogs enormously and really knows her stuff, would recommend!
I've used a chiropractor (equine) but have never used a massage therapist, although, if you beleive all you read in the horsey mags, they are brilliant. i believe a lot of the professionals use them for their advanced sports horses. If you are looking for one, they advertise in the horsey mags.
nope have never had the call to hire one - here in Ireland - theres not a huge amount of them readily available anyway - i would if I felt my horse would benefit from one though.
No, but if you look up Linda Tellington Jones she has a series of books on Equine Massage that you can do yourself and save TONS of money.
Yes we used one once on one of our riding school horses who was extremely tempremental and aggressive towards most people even the groom who handled her daily.Fantastic horse when been ridden but if anyone tried to groom her she'd bite and kick you had to have nerves of steel to tack her up for lessons...Any way we decided to book a massage therapist who did at least 2 and a half hours work on her and what a transformation it totally calmed and relaxed her she was fine after that..
I do not know one my self, but some one that might be able to help you is a lady in Beaconsfield Bucks (Norton and Newby saddlers) Kay Humphries.

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