Saturday, May 22, 2010

Any tips on homemade/natural fly repellents?

My horse is sensitive to flies and flyspray is getting expensive. He already gets garlic in his feed and it seems to help, he wears fly boots and mask as well. I'd just like to mix up my own if anyone know a good recipe.
I've been making home made fly spray for a while now.. It works great and doesn't harm even the most sensitive skin. You can even use it on yourself... It's very simple and also, I've heard it's good for your horses' skin. (although I have no idea if this is true..)
2 cups vinegar
2 cups skin so soft (from Avon; link below)
25 drops of eucalyptus oil
Good luck!!
A bag of water with a penny in it.
ear wax
I wish home remidies would work, but havent found one that did. If it did work, you could market it, and make a ton of money. Have to tried natural sprays? I heard they dont work to bad, but are alot higher then the common spray
Use WD40 it works really well and is very effective
A cheap way is mix dawn dish soap with water. For 1 regular size sprayer, I put about 1 tablespoon of soap and then fill the bottle with water. It doesn't work as good as real fly spray, but it helps. Also, you need to make sure you apply it more often than fly spray because it isn't as good. But there is one option for you! (I use the dark blue dawn- it seems to work the best.) Also- take care to not get it in their eyes/mouths/noses. :)
I don't think homemade fly sprays work, unfortunately :(
Citronella oil.... The kind that you put into those tiki torch things. It's pretty cheap compared to fly spray.

Adam's fly spray is the best that I have found yet. You spray them for about 3 days in a row and then about once a week and the stuff works wonders!!
I'll tell you about a new concoction I heard about
this weekend. equal parts mint mouthwash and baby
oil. The gal had tried it and hers was the only horse
walking calmly the whole ride. Avoid the saddle area.
One of the best things you can try is mixing in apple cider vinegar with your regular fly spray. This will add life to your bottle of spray by increasing the amount you have. The vinegar is great because it builds the acidity of the horse's coat, skin, and blood and the flies can't stand it. However, it does take time for the acidity to build.
Also, if your horse is sensitive to bites and swells up when bitten, you can try witch-hazel as a quick, inexpensive cure for bites. The witch-hazel will numb the bite and thus allow it to heal without the horse constantly biting or itching it.
I love this website for a variety of random homemade concoctions, however absurd some may seem.
2 cups each
vineger and
skin so soft
then fill spray bottle the rest of the way with water. Ithink someone else said this but it works.

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