Wednesday, July 29, 2009

**Synthetic Saddles and Hacking?**?

I've been riding horses for many many years and have never heard the term "hacking." I probably know it, but probably by a different phrase. What is it?
Anyways-- onto my larger question... Do synthetic saddles fade easily. I just bought a Dover ProRide and have never had a synthetic saddle (only leather), so I'm not quite sure how to properly take care of it! Thanks
Hacking - short relaxing trail ride, often with a show horse to allow both of you to relax and destress.
Synthetic saddles shouldn't fade. They look the same after years of use as they do the day you got um. I prefer leather, I've never found a synthetic that I truely fit me. But they are a great first saddle, easy to care for, just hose off - use mild soap like dove if really dirty, and let air dry. They also are less expensive and hold there value better.
I have a green Wintec saddle I've used for years. Every now and then I just turn the hose on it and rinse it off really well. I let it dry outside in the shade of a big tree, and when dry I store it covered in my tack room. It hasn't faded at all, and it always looks nearly new.
Leather is better for me personally. Synthetics are fine, though. You rinse, let dry, and store. I guess I'm too traditional.
coughing. rough coughing. that's hacking. i don't think synthetic saddles fade easily. but everyone has their own opinion about things like that.
It shouldn't fade as long as you don't store uncovered in front of a window for a really long time or something. As for hacking, it means to ride a horse just for fun, like out side of lessoning. It can also mean trail riding.
Hacking is usually just going out for a fun ride. Can refer to something like a trail ride. I sometimes use it to describe people that dont ride seriously or well, like someone is 'just hacking around' if they are just kind of messing around on a horse. But usually its just like taking your horse into a field around for a ride rather than doing serious arena work.
Don't leave your saddle uncovered in the sun, then it will fade. Synthetic saddles are low maintinance, just hose it off when it gets dirty. I personally hate synthetic saddles, but thats just me.
From I am from (NJ), some people use the term "hacking" as like practice flat work. For the saddle question, I don't think the synthetics fade easily. I have a few friends that have them and they just hose the saddle off and let it dry in the shade and put a cover over it. I hope my answers helped you!
I work at the Dover Saddlery in Wellesley, not sure which store you bought it at, but anyways, hacking is a light ride. A lot of walking, and only a light trot. No cantering! Synthetic saddles don't fade easily. Just make sure the saddle stays clean, you don't need soap, but a damp rag will be fine. Email with anymore questions!
Hacking is just going out on the horse - not schooling work but roadwork and bridleways etc generally with no fixed time limit
(putzing about is probably a good description)
Synthetic saddles will fade if left a long time in direct sunlight ( but there again so will leather) they are really easy to clean - just a wipe over with a damp cloth is usually enough.
Hacking is just another way of saying trail riding.
Sorry. I have ridden in synthetic saddles but don't own one. I have no idea if they fade easily. If you are worried about it, you should get one of those saddle covers that you can put on it when you're not in a show or anything. I would imagine that a Dover saddle would be pretty high quality though.

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