Saturday, May 22, 2010

Anyone got any idea what these are??

hey! Ok my 19 year old mare has always had these kind of black lumps on the underside of her tail - Ive had the vet check em out and he said they were nothing to be worried about - I noticed over the weekend that she now has quite a few more - they have now spread from the underside of her tail to her peeing/bum area - she is not sore with them.
I rang my vet telling him they'd spread - but he said it was nothing to worry about -
Anyone got any idea what these are!!?
They certainly do sound like melanomas.
Grey horses frequently have nodular masses or "melanomas" about their body. These are most frequently found under the tail and around the dock, but can also occur behind the jaw and in the eye. With the aid of instruments such as laparoscopes and endoscopes to look inside the horse, vets can often observe small melanomas within the abdomen of greys and in the guttural pouches (throat area).
In many cases, melanomas remain small and harmless to the horse. This is contrary to the situation in humans, where a large number of melanoma cases are very serious.
However, on rare occasions something that starts as a small, innocuous black lump under the tail or below the ear will spread throughout the body and transform into an invasive, destructive cancer.
It is for this reason that vets often note the presence of melanomas in grey horses presented for pre-purchase examination and they may be a cause for concern. It can be almost impossible to predict how they will progress on one clinical examination alone.
It has been estimated that 80% of grey horses, of either gender, aged more than 15 develop melanoma, some of which will behave aggressively and not be amenable to treatment.
Although your vet suggests that these lumps are nothing to worry about, if you are worried due to their increase in size and number, you should have your vet look at them again...
hiya my dog had these my vet said it was a reaction to the flea shampoo i used not sure if this helps? maybe they are midge bites or something similar?
Surely your vet should be telling you?? Phone him again and ask him what they are called so you can research them. I am sure you pay him enough, if he cant tell you I would get a second opinion!
no idea love! If these vets are so sure they are nothing to worry about, perhaps they cold tell you what causes them , while they are taking you rmoney!
They could be melanomas, that is the area they are often found, but I am sure your vet would have known if that is what they are. If you are not happy , go to another vet, it's your money and your horse, so you call the shots. Tell the vet you want to know exactly what they are, and don't be fobbed off.
Could be skin tags, just like humans horses can get skin tags, they seem to appear when the horse has been sweating a lot, although no-one knows why some horses get them.
This is just a guess i am not a vet and don't pretend to be i just thought i would give some more food for thought x
Is she grey? Melanoma is more common in pale horses or those with pink skin. Otherwise they could be just warts.
try contacting a vet that specializes in skin disease because if they are not for sure about how do they know that it not anything to worry about. The vet could take some samples and sent to a lab because if it's spreading that sounds serious.
Good luck
Hi Hun,My Grey boy had them too they were Melanomas there were a few to start with i used Vaseline on them kept them moist as they got dry un sore,then he got more un more they looked like grapes all under his tail,He then started struggling with eating so had dentist out He found one in the back of his throat,Not long after he just wasnt himself my vet came out as id noticed he looked drunk un couldn't workout which leg went where.She came un we gave him steroid injections,I stayed with him all night but sadly he got worse looked like hed had a stroke,I Made the decision to put him to sleep that afternoon,Broke my heart but he was in pain, The Melanomas had stread to his brain or spinal coloum,Sorry its grim but PLEASE PLEASE find out asap for both of your sakes Fingers x its not,Take care un good luck. Gail.
Without seeing them I would guess they are some sort of cyst or carcinoma that older horses get.
Are they getting larger also?
My guess would be sarcoma, I have seen them in horses and dogs. But they would get larger also.
If that isn't the case, I don't know what to tell you other than they could biopsy it and send it in for results. That would answer all questions that the vets aren't able to.
If the vets aren't to worried then i wouldn't be. Just carry on. As soon as they start affecting your horse ie not eating or they become sore, thats when you should do something about them!
OMG i know what these are.. THey are melanoma Cancer. If she is a grey she would be pron to this my friends horse had this and he owner was a cancer reasercher and it was that. dont be worried get some liquid vitamin E oil form a health food store every time you see her put it on the bumps not just a lil bit a fair bit and do that when you fisrst get her out and put her away then they should go away. It will take time aout 1 month and if you have any more questions about this please e-mail me a xo_horse_crazy_xo_18@hotmail.c... Hope that helped
im a fan of horses don't have one but i know alot of horses get them. from what i think ur talkin about they are nothing to worry about.
the area under the tail is very moist, making it a prime area for bacterial infections. that would be my first guess, so i'd put some anti-bacterial cream on the bumps and around that area. however, melanomas are a possibility since your mare is older, so i'd take her to a large vetinary hospital to confirm what it is if the lumps don't go away. melanomas on the underside of tails can sometimes be treated by cryonecrosis, which is pretty much freezing and thawing the melanomas. there are other ways of managing them, too. (have an experienced vet come and make the diagnosis since your vet doesn't have any clue)
If it's a QH or Appy ? They are probably sarquoids. I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling, but they are indigenous of these two breeds. I had a friend w/ a bad case of them %26 I can't get a hold of him. But they are from eating some plant, but they are not life threatening. He has his horses burned off about every 6 mo.'s. They are more prominant in greys. I can't believe none of your vets no this. Where r these vets from ?
hey if they dont know what it is how can they tell you not to worry???
firstly is is gray as my gray arab mere has these as doses my mate's gray pony!
it is very common in gray's not sure what they are but they are not a problem just cosmetic.
It could just be a reaction to the flies like sweet itch.
They really do sound like melanomas, but odds are, if they were, the vet should be able to recognize them as such, likewise if they were sarcomas... as these are fairly common problems on certain colors %26 ages of horses. Hopefully your vet is qualified to be looking at horses.
If they are spreading,I would concered, and defintely have her looked at - your best bet would be take her to a university for an exam - sometimes Universities see the more unusual cases that a regular practicing vet can't resolve.
They do sound like melanomas, particularly if your mare is grey, but any of the vets you have asked would have recognised them as such. Yes, they can be nasty, but it's not always the case. We have a bay gelding who is in his early 20's, still in work, and he has several around his sheath area and a very large one on his shoulder. He's had minor treatment to some of them and he's still fine. I think you have to be guided by your vet(s). If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sometimes, if they are melanomas, they are ok if left, but once you start messing with them, that's when they turn nasty.

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