HORSE THEIVES ARE OPPERATING IN THE AREA! BEWEAR!! i have jst had a few worrieing texts that horse theives are opperating and my friends girlfriends horse has been stolen along with 5 others of a yard of 30 close to wear i keep my horse, as you can understand i am fraught with concern!! for my 2 horses, I want to have them either FREEZEMARKED or MICROCHIPED which is best and what are the costs involved, as you can understand it is vital i get the information soon so i can act upon it!! MANY THANKS
May sound like overkill but I'd consider doing both.
A freezemark is instantly visable, which makes it a useful tool for disuading a thief. However, it is possible for this to be dyed over, and you rely on the goodness of the buyer of the horse to return the horse when it grows through.
The prices i found online for you are:
Prices quoted include freezemarking and first year's membership.
Single Horse 拢55.95
2-4 Horses 拢47.95
5-9 Horses 拢43.95
It may be worth getting a group of people together to do a freezemarking session.
A micro-chip identifies a horse if it is investigated, comes with registration papers which should show the name of the official owner of the animal. Any scrupulous buyer would check that the name ofthe seller and those on these documents match.
I can't find any information on how much it costs to chip a horse. I did my cats and dogs. The price varied from vet to vet for this.
Ask your vet, they'll be able to advise you the best.
Make sure your fences and gates are up to standard, you could lock the gate at night to deter / slow a thief down. Remove your horse's halter and make sure that the feed and water areas are not easily accessible from the fence.
If you are lucky enough to live next to your field, try alarming the gate, with something as simple as a window contact alarm, which once set, emits a loud noise when the gate is opened. This is a great deterent as it startles the thief, startles the horse (making it harder for a stranger to catch) and alerts anyone in the area.
I thought I could hear something rustling!
Not worried.... I'm a Monkey.
Would be helpful to know where they are operating.
How about calling a vet.
Horse thieves have been around as long as the horse has been domesticated. I would speak to your vet about BOTH as horses can be very difficult to trace and the mark is visible so might deter thieves and the microchip would make it easier to prove ownership if the horse was found.
i would do both and if you do freeze marking do it where the saddle dosent go on the neck i think is best, i cant remember how much it was for me but it wasnt to bad, micro chip shouldnt be to expensive either i live in spain and mine was 30 euros. if you cant afford both i would do freeze marking first.
Definitely do both. Freezemark on the neck where the saddle doesn't touch. The vet can microchip for under $100 per horse. Also, this may sound silly, but SLEEP WITH YOUR HORSES!! The theives will be scared and won't attempt to steal. Good luck!
i was told that freeze marking is best, because it is easily visible from far away. if your horse IS stolen, and a police officer sees it grazing in a pasture somewhere else, he legally can't go in there and get it or even check for a microchip on your horse without getting a search warrant! and of course by then the horse will probably have been moved. but if your horse is freeze-branded, it can be identified from the street, leaving NO DOUBT that the horse belongs to you. Then an officer would have 'probable cause' and would be able to go in and rescue your horse! Another bonus is that more horse thieves are finding out about this and will leave any freeze-branded horses in the pasture where they found them. insurance and identity in one!
but have it placed somewhere visible like the rump or shoulder, because somewhere like under the mane or inside the leg defeats the whole purpose of easy identity!
as far as the cost of it, i have no idea. a good place to start would of course be to call you vet for suggestoions.
I wish you the utmost safety!
Freeze branding is visible to people who don't have microchip readers handy.
If you decide to use a microchip, there are two kinds.
The 125 kHz chip is in common use in the US and is effective for identification. This is what was used to reunite horses lost during Hurricane Katrina with their owners.
The ISO 11784/11785 chip being pushed by USDA and the Equine Species Working Group is reprogrammable and not suitable for verified ID. I believe that those who are recommending the ISO chip have other motives than they claim.
You should actually do both because some horse stealers willreshape or add stuff over the brand to make it look like it is theirs
Freeze Brand. If the horse is sold for meat, the place they send them for shipping out of the country won't take them and investigators will find the owner.
horse thieves are operating in the north wales Cheshire area. They are using a white transit van with Irish plates and going onto yards trying to sell power washers, generators etc. Before you all start i,m not saying they from the local travelling communities i have no problem with travellers, in fact they are also being targeted. do not try to deal with these people call the police. Go on the bhs site and read the official notice. As far as microchip or freeze mark they have to be found before either of these can be used, but both as a precaution would be good
if you are so worried and want an answer straight away why not just go phone your vet!
i looked into a site on the net, where horses are shipped away and treated so badly before been killed the pictures were horrific, hooves caught in slats, no room for them, then just to be treated so bad till death. awful. Look after your horses, i haven't got any, but see to a couple down the road from me and i adore them sooo much. would love to buy them but worry about the cost of their up keep.
We to have thieves in our area (Nottinghamshire) We have it same time every year appleby just around the corner,All mine are freeze marked Not chipped,only because un less its suspected to be a stolen horse its not often they scan them... It really makes me more Angry that We were ALL told we had to buy Passports to stop this sort of thing going on As to sell an Equine you need a passport.But we all no its to easy to just send for a new one for horse in different name.
I agree with the others, freeze mark first on the shoulder, this cannot be hidden by a saddle then microchip.You must keep your gate firmly locked with as many padlocks as possible, and put up freeze branding warning signs. Do not leave any head collars and tack about. Make it hard and they will go somewear else. Check your horse as often as possible.
paddlock all gates and access areas, don't leave headcolelrs on - we had ppl nicking rugs off horses backs in my area - dorset / hants - my horse is hard to catch but i never leave his headcoller on!
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